Friday, October 22, 2010

It's always a learning experience

So, the reason I haven't posted any new soap pictures lately is because my last 2 batches had some big issues!

The first one separated after I added the fragrance oil and ended up being this oily goopy mess.. it smelled great but there seemed to be no saving it so I ended up throwing it away.

This last batch ended up being way too soft. I let it sit in the mold for about a week and it still wouldn't harden up enough to come out. Maybe I should have waited to see if hardened up a bit but of course, I'm impatient and I ended up digging it out with a spoon, lol. It's not all lost though! I was able to get a couple bars out of it and the rest I'm going to let cure and I'll re-batch it at some point in the future.

I'm starting to wonder if the bottle of lye I'm using maybe got some condensation into it and that's what's affecting my soap. The next batch I make I'm going to try a different bottle and see what happens.

Tomorrow I'm going to a bbq at a friends and she has awesomely offered to let me set my stuff up there for people to check out! It'll be great to get my name out there and hopefully sell a thing or two! That reminds me, I need to print up some more business cards :)

Hope all is well with everyone, I hope to have some new soaps soon!

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